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Flavor - Favor - Favorite

Three Words, Three Worlds, One Big Mess Did you ever get tripped up by words? Like, a lot ? If so, you're my kind of people! Today, we're diving headfirst into a trio of troublemakers: flavor, favor, and favorite. They sound similar, kinda look similar, and yet they mean totally different things. Imagine these three words as those mischievous triplets who always swap clothes and places just for giggles. Let's unravel this tangled word web, shall we?

Hold onto Your Hard Drives, Folks: AI Can Now Read Your Mind... But Should It? 🤯

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News Diet

That's Old News, Man I've been thinking a lot about this whole "news" thing lately. We call it news, right? And the word "news" comes from the idea that it's, well, new . The latest happenings, the freshest stuff. Makes sense, sort of. I looked it up, and you know where it comes from? The Latin for "new things". Kind of funny, because our English language didn't even get the word until around the 1300s! That's like, way back when folks thought a bath was the Devil's work.